Curriculum Resources

Warren County R-III Assessment Plan 2020-2021

The Purpose of Assessment

Assessment is a critical part of school improvement and student's learning. The district assessment program allows the district to gather information for a variety of purposes. Well-designed and appropriately used assessments provide the following:

  1. Teachers can evaluate the effectiveness of their instruction.
  2. Students are made aware of the skills in a variety of areas.
  3. Students are made aware of the skills in a variety of areas.
  4. Teachers, parents, students, and policymakers make more informed decisions.
  5. Programs can be evaluated for the impact of learning.
  6. Programs can be evaluated for their impact of learning.
  7. School buildings and the district can report on academic progress.
  8. Teachers gain information about individual students' strengths and weaknesses.

All students will participate in the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) as outlined by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education including end of course (EOC) assessments, grade-level assessments, technical skills assessments (TSA), industry recognized credentials (IRC) assessments, and/or MAP-Alternative (MAP-A) for special education students who qualify.

  • In-person students grades 2-8 will take the Math and English Language Arts eValuate test monthly to measure progress on individual standards in math and English Language Arts. 
  •  In-person students in grades K-5 will take the DRA II reading Assessment. This assessment determines reading levels.
  • English Language Learners (ELL Students will take the WIDA Access assessment to measure proficiency in the English language.
  • All elementary in-person students will participate in the Presidential Fitness Testing (FitnessGram) Testing.
  • If the district is selected, we will participate in the NAEP as outlined by the federal department of education. 

Benchmarking and Progress Monitoring


Categories of Assessments:

a.   Reading

b.   Writing

c.   Math

 Area Assessed Assessment Grade Level
 Phonics AIMSweb letter naming,
letter sounds, nonsense words
AIMSweb early literacy-
phoneme segmentation
Reading fluency      AIMSweb RCBM/observation.              1-5
 Reading Level  DRA K-5
 Writing rubric based on 6 trait writing K-5
 eValuate eValuate benchmark ELA/Math 2-5

Curriculum Resources: DESE state standards District curriculum resources





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